Maranda's Place

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Funny song

Here's a kind of funny song that you might enjoy. Just click on the link:

Friday, September 08, 2006


I love horses! Here's a cute clipart image of a horse and foal that I came across.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


We met this girl who lives close to us who plays volleyball; she was the captain of her team in high school, and she's really nice. She and my dad are teaching my sister and I how to play. It's a lot of fun and I'm hoping, when I get better at it, that I can join a local volleyball team.

Monday, September 04, 2006

cool day

On Sunday we went to a goodbye party for a friend who's going to college. It was so cool! There was a small pond with an island in the middle of it. There were also two rowboats and a canoe which we took around the pond. I had a lot of fun!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Cardinal in the Birdseed...

A cardinal is hidden in the birdseed - can you find it? Click on the picture to make it larger, in a new window.

New Leaf

Okay, I know I had not been posting for like a month or two or three on this blog, but now I want to turn over a new leaf and post here more often. I guess I had just run out of ideas but two or three months has given me some. So thanks for visiting and remember to come back because I'll keep posting!

My new computer!!!

I have a new computer! It's an hp 7540. I got it for school, so there's filters that won't let me use certain websites on it (including blogger) but I'm happy with it! I just LOVE it! I'll be starting school on Sept. 6. I won't be saying all my subjects, but I'll be taking Spanish and I'm really excited about that. I might be taking flute lessons too. You may have seen in an earlier post in one of the archives that I play recorder. I think since the flute is somewhat like a recorder it should be easier for me. Anyway... that's all for now.


Hello Everyone! I hope you enjoy your visit here! Just remember I love comments... oh and if no one uses my chatterbox it will expire, so please leave me a note on that also! Thanks!